

If you do not wish to struggle in an epic battle reading this junk please turn to a different webpage.

Chapter 1: Introducing The Hams

There was A guy named Hams and nicknamed Hams. He was nice and hungry, lots.
Then the food disappeared. So he tried to find it and got himself lost and then he went to a cave and found some pigs mm.... ham.
And luckily he actually brought a bottle of vinager. So he put it on the ham. No he is not disgusting. Hammmmmm...s...s.s...s oh ya he is drunk, see....."II...lick.e vina...gger cu..zz it'...s mm..." (I cant think of anything to write so dont blame me if it sucks.)

SOoo...(oh ya i'm getting paid to do this story.) (Oh, and IF Mike, Ben, or Ben is on this website then I say HI to you ,this is John) Mike did you know Alex, Curtis and Dillan are ugly?

Peter just said he has a crush on Meg Wilkie.

Hams had a mom and dad named Hama and Bacon and george washing machine is their Favourite person.